CGHS affiliated GREEN LEAF and ISO-9001-2015 certified Institution

Phone : +91-98951 42321


Gynecology Infertility Pre and Post natal Care Department

Termed as Streeroga and Prasoothitantra in Ayurveda this department headed by Dr. Gayatri and assisted by Dr. Vineetha efficiently manages women health wellness and beauty. Conservative Management of Infertility through medicines and techniques like Uttaravasthi is one of the signature protocols of Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital.Termed as Streeroga and Prasoothitantra in Ayurveda this department headed by Dr. Gayatri and assisted by Dr. Vineetha efficiently manages women health wellness and beauty.

Conservative Management of Infertility through medicines and techniques like Uttaravasthi is one of the signature protocols of Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital.Diseases like obesity, PCOS, fibroids, menstrual disorders, bleeding problems, menopausal syndrome and geriatric gynaecology are a few of the many problems which are managed with successful formulae at Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital.

Traditional pregnancy care, postnatal treatment packages, breast feeding education, pre conceptual pregnancy and post natal nutrition management are done by the specialist team of doctors Beauty Care includes Hair Care, Skin Care, Face Care, Anti-aging therapies and other beauty related problems which are managed by eliminating the reasons rather than the symptoms. With all these efficient skill and knowledge Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital is a one stop destination for completes women health.