CGHS affiliated GREEN LEAF and ISO-9001-2015 certified Institution

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What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient and continuously practised to date. The history of Ayurveda dates back to 5000 years. The first of the medical systems to be divided into and practised as medical specialties Ayurveda has many specialties and super specialties. Kayachikitsa-General Medicine, Balachikitsa-Pediatrics, Grahachikitsa-Psychiatry, Shalakyatantra-Ophtalmology-ENT, Shalyatantra-Surgery, Damshtrachikitsa-Toxicology, Rasayanachikitsa-Rejuvenation and Vrishachikitsa-Aphrodisiacs are the eight specialties of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is known for its holistic person oriented approach and conservative management of illnesses with bare minimum or no side effects.

The treatment principle is based on elimination of the cause and thereby ensuring either a permanent cure or a better sustained prognosis apart from reduction in morbidity.

Ayurveda also has an orientation towards wellness and disease prevention through the detoxification, rejuvenation, and daily routine, seasonal regimen, personal and social conduct. Diet is also a vital component in Ayurveda lifestyle.

What is Ayurveda Diet?

Ayurveda promotes balance between body and mind and is compatible to the three elements that make up the body, the Tridoshas-Vata Pitta Kapha. Vata diet is warm, moist, and grounding foods while restricting dried fruits, bitter herbs, and raw veggies. Pitta based diet is formulated with cooling, energizing foods and limits spices, nuts, and seeds. Kapha diet limits heavy food like nuts, seeds, and oils is rich in fruits, veggies and legumes. Red meat, artificial sweeteners, and processed ingredients are avoided in Ayurveda diet. Healthy whole cooked food is preferred according to season, age and habitat. Mindful eating is good for self-control and healthy relationship with food.

What are the common ailments treated with Ayurveda?

Spine Disorders
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Mental Health and Stress
Digestion Disorders
Common Cold
PCOS & Obesity
Post Natal Care
Developmental Disorders
Ayurvedic immune boosting