
What is Clinical or Therapeutic Yoga?
Yoga is generally perceived as a wellness lifestyle practice. It is true. However, Yoga has vast applications as a rehabilitative and supportive therapy in the treatment of various illnesses. Yoga can
help to enhance response to the conventional treatment protocol, elevate patient mental health,and play a major role in the reversal of pathology into physiology wherever possible
Yoga can also be used as a therapy in the prevention or delayed mitigated onset of various morbid illnesses in those who are at risk. For example, if a person who is at risk of developing diabetes due
to hereditary factors performs Mandookasana in a prescribed protocol there is every chance of reducing the morbidity. Likewise in conditions like dysmenorrhea prophylactic performance of
Paadahastaasana regularly during the non-menstrual days helps to achieve a pain-free menstrual period. This can reduce the need for taking painkillers which have considerable side effects.

How is the Yoga Therapy protocol decided?
Yoga as a therapy is prescribed as separate protocols combining various warm-up methods, asanas,pranayama, meditation, and relaxation techniques. The repetition of the asanas, the speed,
duration, frequency, time of practice, and various other factors are to be considered in a Yoga therapy protocol with a focus on improving the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the
person. The age, season, lifestyle, habitat, profession, lifestyle, mindset, and very importantly disease condition and the present treatment that the patient is undergoing are evaluated in depth
while a Yoga protocol is tailored.

How do you practice Yoga Therapy safely?
A few points have to be kept in mind while adopting Yoga as a therapy.

  •  First and foremost is to start the therapy under a doctor trained in Yoga or with a team that has a doctor and a Yoga instructor.
  • If the person is undergoing therapies like physiotherapy, the professional taking care of the same also has to be part of the team.
  • Yoga therapy has to be performed under the supervision of an instructor in the beginning.A pre and post vital health check is necessary for patients who are vulnerable
  • Adhering strictly to the protocol is very important and the protocol has to be reviewed on a regular basis for changes if required
  • Never copy a protocol advised to another person. Each person is different so also the
    intervention is required.
  • Be aware and understand that yoga therapy is not an alternative to conventional medical treatment, instead it is a catalyst complementary therapy for various diseases and

What is the general Yoga therapy protocol for stress-related disorders?

Stress is an important factor in life. Positive Stress is what takes you forward. The goal is stress management is to transform distress into a positive condition called eustress. Common stress-
related disorders are GAD or generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder which happen due to various diseases or situations (PTSD). Relaxed engagement with yoga
asana, pranayama, and meditation helps in managing these disorders. In anxiety and sleep disorders due to anxiety, the focus should be on repeated performing of Asanas like Matsyasana, Vajrasana,
Baalasana, and Vipareeta Karani half an hour before sleep and 2 hours after dinner. Asanas should be followed by Naadishudhi, Sheetali, Bhramari Pranayama, and the recitation of Om in Jnana
Mudra. Prithvi Mudra helps to manage stress in a big way. Self-Meditation should not be practiced.It should be either prescribed or guided. The protocol creates mindfulness and helps balance stress
hormones, promote relaxation, initiate positivity and improve mental well-being.

What is the Yoga Therapy useful in cardiovascular diseases?
Patients with moderate to severe cardiovascular conditions should always seek the help of a doctor or trainer while practicing. Yoga therapy lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, improves
circulation, and enhances heart function. Asanas like Tadasana, Utkatasana, Bhujangasana, and Ardhamatsyendrasana followed by pranayama practices like Anuloma Viloma and Ujjayi along with
Anjali Mudra are beneficial for cardiovascular health.

What is the Yoga therapy protocol for Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins happen due to circulation problems in veins. Correction of venous circulation is the goal. Uttana Paadasana, Shalabhasana, and Noukaasana in controlled holding method followed by
Kapalabhati Pranayama along with Rudra Mudra helps to manage varicose veins

Which Yoga Therapy protocol is useful in menstrual problems and PCOS?
In cases of excessive bleeding and during periods it is advisable to practice mild Pranayama like Sheetali and deep breathing along with Apaana mudra. For painful periods Paadahastasana and
Pavanamukthsana alternatively 10-15 times, Chakkichalana Asana 5 times daily during the non-menstrual days followed by Basthrika and Kapalabhati Pranayama is very useful. Drinking warm jeera
water on an hourly basis during menstrual days helps a smooth flow and painless periods. In PCOS where overweight is involved rigorous Suryanamaskara followed by Asanas like Maalasana,
Sethubandhasana, Pavanamukthasana, and Mahabandha has to be practiced for one hour every day. Pranayama is Kapalabhati. Mudra is Yonimudra. The practice has to be gradually and progressively
increased to reach optimum levels taking into account flexibility and stamina.

What Asanas and Pranayama are useful in Asthma and other Respiratory disorders?
Yoga therapy can be beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and allergies. Yoga Therapy can improve lung capacity,
enhance respiratory muscle strength, and promote relaxation. In an acute attack of Asthma, slow passive abdominal breathing is helpful. A specific Mudra that involves both hands is useful in
respiratory conditions. Sethubandhasana, Adhomukha Svanasana, and Bhujangasana followed by deep breathing in Vajrasana pose along with the Mudra is the protocol

Which Asanas are useful in day-to-day aches and pains?
In conditions like arthritis, back pain, joint problems, swelling, and other day-to-day health issues Sookshma Vyayama involves gentle stretching, strengthening, and flexibility exercises, and
movement of all joints reduces pain, improves joint mobility, and enhances posture and body alignment. Ujjayi and Naadishudhi help manage pains. Mahabandha and Varuna Mudra are
indicated in pains. In cases of pain due to injury where rest is advised Yoga Asanas are contraindicated.

What are the Asanas for managing the difficulties of spine deformities?
Kyphosis or forward hunching, Lordosis or backward bending and Scoliosis or sideward bending are the common spinal deformities. Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Matsyasana, Paschimottasana, and other
postures involving spinal stretching are good in such conditions

What is Yoga Therapy for Digestive Disorders?
Digestive disorders: Yoga therapy can aid in managing digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, bloating, and acid reflux. Specific yoga postures, such as twists and gentle
inversions, can stimulate digestion, improve gut motility, and reduce discomfort. Pavanamukthasana is good for constipation and bloating. Kapalabhati Pranayama, Moolabandha and Pushan Mudra are
advised along with the Asanas. Trikonasana, Noukasana, and Marjarasana can be practiced depending on the conditions

What are the Yoga poses related to Neurological disorders?
Yoga therapy using aids like props and chairs can be beneficial for individuals with neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease, and stroke to improve balance,
coordination, flexibility, and muscle strength. Relaxation and Yoganidra reduce irritability and enhance overall well-being.

What Yoga therapy is indicated in Hormonal imbalances?
Yoga therapy can help regulate hormonal imbalances, such as in conditions like Menopause, Thyroid dysfunctions, and other conditions. Specific asanas and pranayama techniques can support
hormonal balance and promote overall well-being. Sarvangasana, Ushtrasana, Halasana and Sheershasana is indicated in Hypothyroidism along with Ujjayi Bhramari Bastrika Pranayama combo,
Jalandhara Bandha and Udana Mudra. Menopause can be managed with Suptha Matsyasana and Yoga Nidra, Badha Konasana, and Om recitation.
Conclusion: Yoga therapy can enhance the effectiveness of disease management and improve quality of life. If wrong methods are adopted the results may be counterproductive. It is very
important to seek guidance from both medical and Yoga professionals before and during Yoga Therapy so that the program is tailored to suit individual needs and limitations.

For more details and queries on Therapeutic Yoga and to book a consultation for Yoga Therapy and the means to it and to have free counseling on Possibilities of Yoga Therapy please feel free to
Talk to Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital panel doctors
Mail us at
WhatsApp us on +91-9895142321
Call us on +91-9895142321
Do visit our social media pages Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Dr. Lathika PK-Specialist in Panchakarma, Stroke Rehabilitation and Ayurveda Cancer Care
Dr. Valsaladevi K-Specialist in Panchakarma, Child Health, Ayurveda Diet, and Yoga Therapy

Dr. Karthik K Nandan-Specialist in Conventional Orthopedics, Marma, and Varicose Veins
Dr. Gayatri S-Specialist in Women Health, Cosmetology, and Fertility
Dr. Ariya VS Resident Medical Officer


What is a brain stroke or Paralysis?

A brain stroke and the resultant paralysis occur when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, depriving the brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. This deprivation makes the brain cells die in minutes. A stroke is a medical emergency, and hence immediate medical attention is essential to reduce brain damage and other complications. Integrated Ayurveda management of stroke disability and paralysis is found to be very effective to prevent disability from stroke and also rehabilitate disabled stroke patients

What is stroke or paralysis called in Ayurveda?

Stroke is comparable in cause, symptoms and management to the disease Pakshaghata mentioned in Ayurveda and is stated to be a condition with minimum prognosis. However, with the right treatment given at the right time stroke can be effectively managed with minimum non-significant complications. Stroke or Pakshaghata is caused by the pathology in Vatadosha in executing two of its major responsibilities of circulation and neurological activities. Pakshaghata is described in all Ayurveda classics, among which the noteworthy literature is available in the 28th Chapter of Charakasamhita Chikitsasthana.

What are the symptoms of a brain stroke?

  • Difficulty in speaking and understanding, slurred speech and confusion
  • Numbness, Weakness or Paralysis of the face, arm or leg or one side or both sides of the body or all limbs
  • A sudden, severe headache, accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or altered consciousness, may be indicative of stroke
  • Imbalanced walking or stumbling or sudden dizziness or loss of coordination
  • Vision problems in one or both eyes like sudden blurred or blackened vision or double vision in one or both eyes

How to Self-Diagnosis Stroke? When to see the doctor?

Follow FAST Protocol and perform SMILE Stroke Test

  • Face: Try to smile and see if one side of the mouth is drooping it could be a stroke
  • Try to raise both your arms over the head at the same time. If one arm or both begin to fall, it could be a stroke
  • Speech: Try to speak a simple phrase. If the speech is slurred or strange it could be a stroke
  • Time: If any of the above 3 are noticed seek immediate medical attention

What are the causes and types of a stroke?

Two main causes are ischemia and hemorrhage. The third cause is TIA

  1. Blocked artery causing ischemic stroke: Most common caused by fatty deposits or blood clots or other debris in blood vessels
  2. Leaking or bursting blood vessel causing hemorrhagic stroke: caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure, overuse of blood thinners, aneurysms, trauma, weakness in the blood vessel walls, ischemic stroke, rupture of thin-walled blood vessels, etc.
  3. TIA-Mini stroke: There is another less severe condition transient ischemic attack-TIA caused by a temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain

What are the risk factors of stroke?

  • Lifestyle risk factors like overweight, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, heavy or binge drinking, narcotic usage, use of birth control pills or hormone therapies etc. cause stroke
  • Medical risk factors like CoVid 19 complications, high blood pressure, first or second hand nicotine smoke exposure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, heart defects, heart infection or irregular heart rhythm, etc. and personal or family history of stroke, heart attack or transient ischemic attack cause stroke
  • General risk factors like age over 55, male gender, the proneness of race or ethnicity may cause stroke

What are the complications of a brain stroke?

  • Paralysis or loss of muscle movement on one side of the body, or loss of control of certain muscles, bladder control, bowel control, drooping and wasting of one side of the face or one arm.
  • Difficulty in talking, eating, swallowing, language usage, including speaking, understanding, reading, or writing.
  • Memory loss, thinking problems, reasoning issues, judging confusions, or difficulty in understanding concepts.
  • Emotional problems including emotional outbursts, irritability, and depression
  • Pain, numbness, or other unusual sensations like an uncomfortable tingling sensation
  • Changes in behavior, loss of self-care ability, and hence increased dependence on daily activities

Can Ayurveda cure brain stroke?

Ayurveda treatments and medicines are effective in reducing the risk factors of stroke as a preventive measure, reducing the complications and re-establish normalcy in life in an already occurred stroke and improving the life quality in a chronic stroke case through rehabilitation. The results depend and vary on factors like age, cause, health status of the patient, etc.

What is Ayurveda integrated stroke rehabilitation program at Sarathy Ayurveda?

At Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital the professional team led by Medical Director focuses on the following aspects as part of the Integrated Ayurveda Stroke Rehabilitation program,

  • Ayurveda: Internal Medicines and therapies for reversal of pathology
  • Marma: Vital point manipulations for fast relief
  • Physiotherapy: Toning and strengthening physical exercises and machine applications
  • Yoga: Enhancement of brain and lung functions, to improve coordination
  • Diet: Specialised diet to improve nutritional status and immunity
  • Counseling: To boost patient and family confidence
  • Homely Care: For emotional stability of patient and family
  • Calm Natural Ambience: to keep the patient mentally stable and peaceful
  • Speech and Behavioral Therapy: To improve patient’s intellectual health

The treatment protocol includes reducing the severity and exposure to the risk factors, improving the quality of life, enhancing nutritional status which is together termed as Nidanaparivarjana. Deepana-Pachana is done internally and externally to stimulate the metabolism and circulation and the process is followed by Snehana-Swedana to destabilize the bodily toxins which are eliminated through the bio-cleansing procedures of Panchakarma.

Rehabilitation follows Panchakarma wherein strengthening and rejuvenation Brumhana-Rasayana therapies are followed along with Yoga and other brain health treatment modalities. Marma and physiotherapies are part of the integrated rehabilitation protocol right from the start. All these therapies and protocol has to be tailormade and executed by a team of skilled technicians and nurses under the strict supervision of qualified medical professionals

For more details and queries on Integrated Stroke Management please feel free to

  • Talk to Dr. Lathika PK Medical Director of Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital, an expert in stroke rehabilitation with 35 plus years of clinical experience and successful stroke management cases crossing the thousand milestone
  • Mail us at
  • WhatsApp us on +91-9895142321
  • Call us on +91-9895142321
  • Do visit our social media pages Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn


  • Lathika PK-Specialist in Panchakarma, Stroke Rehabilitation and Ayurveda Cancer Care
  • Valsaladevi K-Specialist in Panchakarma, Child Health, Ayurveda Diet and Yoga Therapy
  • Karthik K Nandan-Specialist in Conventional Orthopedics, Marma and Varicose Veins
  • Gayatri S-Specialist in Women Health, Cosmetology and Fertility

About Us

Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital was established in 2004 by Dr. P.K Lathika, an accomplished Ayurvedic physician with a rich and varied experience spanning over 29 years and authorised medical officer for ISRO .


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